Dans Hill nickel mine proposal update

The Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett, has replied to the TCT’s letter regarding the Dans Hill nickel mine proposal (feature article in the of the Tasmanian Conservationist #319) and has promised to investigate the circumstances and conditions under which Australian Government funds were used for the purchase of private land for inclusion in the Dans Hill Conservation Area.

More than 200 hectares of the land was purchased in 1999–2000 under the now completed Private Forest Reserve Program and more than 100 hectares of this is included in the area proposed to be mined. The TCT requested that the mine not proceed but, if it did, that the proponent should be required to repay to the Australian Government the purchase price of the land, in addition to mitigation strategies and off-sets which may be required.

The Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority has finalised the assessment guidelines and the proponent, Proto Resources, has commenced preparation of the Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan.

Peter McGlone